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What are the advantages of registering a company in Shenzhen

As a first tier city, registering a company and starting a business independently in Shenzhen clearly has many advantages. Both in current policies and in registering companies, this is the case. So, what are the benefits of registering a company in Shenzhen?
In summary, the key is reflected in three aspects.
1. Registering a company is easy to motivate independent entrepreneurship. Shenzhen has always been simplifying the process of registering a company, and continuously reforming and innovating its rules and regulations at the level of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. For example, Shenzhen is one of the demonstration cities for flipping annual reports, and there is a more flexible time for annual report application each year. Registering a company is easy, and it is also reflected in the fact that Shenzhen has a high-quality agent comprehensive service platform like Huaxinfeng. If you are not familiar with the steps of applying for registration or do not have time to apply in person, you can entrust Huaxinfeng to apply for registration for free. 2. The most important thing for applying for a diversified company registration address in Shenzhen is to provide a compliant and detailed address. At this level, Shenzhen has relatively few restrictions on the registered address of companies. If it complies with regulations, it is possible to use the detailed address of the office, the detailed address of the housing or rental property, and the detailed address of the financial and tax agent as the registered address of the company. 3. There are many tax incentives in Shenzhen, and the scope of these policies is also very large. For example, the current policies for industrial and commercial taxation in Shenzhen are relatively relaxed, requiring only persistent monthly accounting and tax reporting. In the first quarter, if the tax invoice amount does not exceed 90000 yuan, zero declaration can be made. Small scale taxpayers who have just registered in Shenzhen are exempt from value-added tax if their monthly tax invoice amount does not exceed 3 yuan. Naturally, different districts enjoy different policy benefits, for example, in Qianhai, Shenzhen, the magnitude will be even greater. Registering a company in Shenzhen actually brings many benefits. For example: 1. Beneficial for paying personal social security and entering Shenzhen households; 2. Applying for a Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan travel permit makes it very convenient to travel to Hong Kong;
3. Local car license plates can be used under the name of the company, or a house can be purchased in Shenzhen under the name of the company.

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